Wow-this is mind blowing! So I had *no* idea about any of this but have been confused by this traveling ballet for years. Since adopting my son from China, we make an effort to take part in Chinese culture (as much as we can in Cincinnati, Ohio) and I'd thought about us going to this ballet. The postcards though state children are not allowed in big bold letters. I always thought that was strange for a ballet but never thought it was content-related, rather-I thought the audience didn't want kids in it.
When I took my kid, there was no warning against bringing kids. I’m guessing Shen Yun got the message not all of us wanted to have to explain the on-stage government murder to our little ones…. 😬
Wow-this is mind blowing! So I had *no* idea about any of this but have been confused by this traveling ballet for years. Since adopting my son from China, we make an effort to take part in Chinese culture (as much as we can in Cincinnati, Ohio) and I'd thought about us going to this ballet. The postcards though state children are not allowed in big bold letters. I always thought that was strange for a ballet but never thought it was content-related, rather-I thought the audience didn't want kids in it.
When I took my kid, there was no warning against bringing kids. I’m guessing Shen Yun got the message not all of us wanted to have to explain the on-stage government murder to our little ones…. 😬